This is a public service announcement to all Canadian
taxpayers: Your government has been stealing from you.
You pay the equivalent of over $4.50 a gallon for gasoline,
much of it taxes, yet you have the highway infrastructure of a third world
country. Either your government is full of waste, fraud, and abuse (more than
even the US government), or the Trans-Canada Highway (which, as far as I can
tell is not yet complete) is being built across the most hostile terrain ever
encountered by road makers. I’m skeptical about the latter, since they manage
to make roads out of ice every year. So boreal forest can’t be that tough to
build on.
Yet there I was, paying $63 for a tank of gas when I’d never
before paid more than $50, and yet every local road I took until mercifully
limping onto the big 104 was as unpaved as unpaved could be. I’d call them dirt
roads, but dirt would have been a welcome alternative to the ridiculousness I